Morpho helenor (Cramer, 1776)
Helenor Morpho
Papilio helenor (Cramer, 1776)
There is about 30 subspecies in Morpho helenor (Lamas, 2004).
This species occurs in the shaded understory, but comes out to sun and open areas for look food resource in open areas.
In some collections Morpho helenor and Morpho achilles are not differentiated. During the flight the two are indistinguishable.
Brasil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Guyana; Guyane française; Honduras; México; Nicaragua; Paraguay; Perú; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago; Venezuela
According observed by F. Campos Neto (com. pessoal) the caterpillars feed on leaves of:
Leguminosae: Machaerium sp.
Malphigiaceae: Heteropteris anoptera
Lacistemataceae: Lacistema hassleriana
blue, black, brown, metallic, white, red
forest edge, forest
Resting on a leaf
Photo: Marcos Amend
Sucking puddling
Photo: Marcos Amend
Male, from dorsal
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas
Male, from ventral variant
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas
Female, from dorsal
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas
Female, from ventral
Specimen deposited in the Collection of Invertebrates INPA, Amazonas